Book Group                         June 23 7:00pm          Lions of Fifth Avenue    by Fiona Davis 

Hi again book lovers,

Please join The Neighbors on Thursday, June 23rd at 7 pm at Patty Sutherland's at Patty's place in Summer Village

 for our June Book Club. Patty has chosen The Lions of Fifth Avenue by Fiona Davis as our selection for the month.

You may attend the book club in person or via Zoom. So that Patty knows how many of us to expect in person as well as on Zoom, please RSVP to at your earliest convenience and add In-person or Zoom in the comments of your RSVP.

Patty and I look forward to seeing you all on June 23rd. To RSVP and/or get the zoom link as well as directions to At Patty's place in Summer Village

, please email

All the best and stay safe.